Monday 20 February 2012

Lost in the Temple

Irwin: Terence, Terence! I’ve got a signal! Yes it’s working. We’ve been trapped in the Mayan temple for a couple of weeks now. We were ambushed by Mabel’s mercenaries and took cover inside the temple. Mabel has followed us in but she must have tripped a switch because the exit shut tight. It’s lucky that I brought some emergency eucalyptus otherwise we would have starved by now.

Terence: Ssshhh! Irwin, I can hear something…

Mabel: Guys, whats that noise? Is that you? It seems to be a lot more breathey and... musty smelling... than the two of you…


Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Mexican Stand Off

Irwin: I've been on missions before but this is different. It's personal. My arch enemy Mabel will pay for what she's done to Terence. The extremist "B Team" will never see the light of day again! I'll get to them even if I have to trek through 100's of miles of jungle.

Irwin: I'm coming Terence, don't you worry. I'm coming...

Irwin: Mabel, my arch enemy. I'm here to stop you.

Mabel: Yes Irwin. It was my plan from the beginning. Don't try any funny moves. My homie here has a bazooka and if you try some crazy stuff, we're all gonna fluff it.

Irwin: Fine Mabel. Pick a time and a place. I'll gun you down any way you like.

Mabel: Whatever. The Mayan Temple just on the Yucatan Peninsula. Be there at noon tomorrow.

Irwin: No problem. Don't forget to bring your balls.

Mabel: Don't worry. My furry penny bag will be there.

Irwin: There isn't one of us that doesn't want to be someplace else. But this is what we do, who we are. Live for nothing, or die for something. Your call Mabel.

Mabel: You don't know why you're here do you Irwin? All of these years I've been tracking you down and now it has come to this...

Irwin: What do you mean..?

Friday 3 February 2012

Thursday 2 February 2012


I'm loving it here in Mexico. The beaches are gorgeous.

The water is great and I've found a new hobby, snorkeling! This feeling of being watched is getting worse. That guy in blue seems familiar.

It's such a paradise here. I was very surprised to find out that Mexico has the highest rate of abduction in the world! I think that's just a smear campaign.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro!

I was lucky enough to arrive in Rio for the start of the Carnival! It was amazing!

There are people everywhere! And many of them are completely naked. I'm only showing the respectable pictures on my blog though. I wouldn't want Michaela getting jealous!

Next stop Mexico!!